No Featured Comics this week! However, if you think of any underrated comics worth taking a look at, feel free to suggest. They might make the FC slot.
Eye Spy
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By Gianluca Burdon Mon Dec 19th 2016 at 3:21 am
How about ‘The Specialists’ a comic based in an alternant timeline where WWII lasted beyond 1946 due to the creation of super-soldiers by the still at large Nazis and the US of A. It takes a look at the realistic at the super-soldiers lives on both sides, with the Specialists psychological and emotional issues due to their abilities and the time period, and the Ubermenschen’s need to safe add more supers to their numbers
By Ladon Mon Dec 19th 2016 at 4:07 am
Oh, I love that one! It has great characters and the writers do a really good job humanizing them. Of course, it’s really, really dark. Instead of go shopping with the boss’s daughter, THEIR demonic people force people to kill their loved ones and then commit suicide. You don’t get hijinks like the super inconspicuous spy-kidsx100 glasses.
By CK Mon Dec 19th 2016 at 4:25 am
Peeping Toms usually try not to be seen.On the other hand, it’s not like Siri is going to take him very seriously.
This makes sense, since those extradimensional demons would make trouble in the writing if they stay too long.
By Darius Drake Mon Dec 19th 2016 at 8:29 am
COMPLETELY inconspicuous. At least, if she’s used to human form, she’d be slightly happier that he’s not staring at her chest.
By Sidekick Matt Tue Dec 20th 2016 at 7:44 am
I didn’t even notice his optics in the last panel. I was too busy staring at her chest.
By WolfDragonPuppy Mon Dec 19th 2016 at 12:17 pm
I really like Engelbaum. It’s a lotta bright rainbow colours and painfully beautiful artwork. ^-^<
By Anarchyant Mon Dec 19th 2016 at 12:17 pm
I heartily recommend Freefall Found it a while back, its been going since 1998! I binge read the entire thing over 3 or 4 days. Set in the future on an off world colony with a kelptomanic but kind hearted squid alien, a human like Bowmans Wolf, 450 Million robots and lots of comedy. Its hard to describe but its a really fun read.
By Seros Senric Tue Dec 20th 2016 at 8:10 pm
I’ve been reading Freefall for a few years now. It is good.
Funny, and lots of philosophical discussion.
By WooSai Tue Dec 20th 2016 at 4:09 am
I’m a big fan of Erfworld. The just had their 10th anniversary, and lots* of strips to catch up on
By Anarchyant Wed Dec 21st 2016 at 8:14 am
and of course the site that first spawned it and contains The Order of the Stick plus book one of Erf World (cant believe ive been reading it for ten years!)
By Anarchyant Wed Dec 21st 2016 at 8:20 am
Additionally I would heartily recommend Giant Girl created by Sabrina Pandora and Koen Lutten. Its about a hero who never claims to be one, always gets the blame and yet is awesome one in the same.
By Ladon Wed Dec 21st 2016 at 5:06 pm
Accursed Dragon! Dragons! Curses! It has it all! Witty, exciting and so conviluted you usually can’t tell what’s happening, this webcomics is one of my personal favorites. Looking for a confusing and silly webcomic that’a complete? Try Problem Sleuth, Homestuck’S smaller and less appreaciated older brother on the same website.
By Poetically Psychotic Fri Jan 19th 2018 at 9:46 am
Hmm, a lot of my favorite webcomics and webtoons are already recognized, so here’s two that don’t get the recognition I think they deserve:
Emergency Exit is a hilarious webcomic following a group of unordinary teens living in an apartment and travelling between worlds. It only recently returned from hiatus, so make sure to check out the original archives.
Sword Interval is a webtoon following newbie but badass monster hunter Fall Barros in her quest to take down the immortal Heirophant. Features awesome action, excellent humor, and villains and monsters that range from terrifying to sympathetic.