Everyone’s getting into combat. Not everyone can possibly make it through, right? Is that me foreshadowing a tragic end to one or more characters? Who knows?
You folks have a nice weekend? Nice Easter? I had a good one. It was also one of those rare years where Easter and my birthday lined up. Therefore, today was my Beaster. Happy Beaster to me.
New Comic of the Week! Soul’s Journey is a tale about a prince trapped in a wolf’s body. To make matters worse, his kingdom is on the brink of war, and there’s not a thing he can do to stop it until he restores himself.
By that_jedi_girl Mon Mar 28th 2016 at 2:55 am
Happy Beaster to you! And many more (and not just we want to read the continuing saga of Supervillainous).
By Inbetweenaction Mon Mar 28th 2016 at 11:37 am
and they say his many, many hours of playing games was wasting his life… not when you have a supervillain as a dad, and a supergenius as a sister.
By Ladon Tue Mar 29th 2016 at 11:18 am
How the dialogue would have gone if someone with a grasp on how time travel works were present: “My future self confirmed that I survive this battle so I know I’ll be ok” “but remember when she completely changed this course of events by time traveling so we no longer can be sure of any outcomes?” “Oh”
By Otaku Thu Mar 31st 2016 at 4:07 pm
It could be even worse given how different things handle time travel. In some settings, it would be
Kayle: …my future self confirmed [my survival], I know I survive this fight.”
Kyle: Didn’t your future self come back to try and change how it happened?
Kayle: Yes, yes she did. So if she is wrong and the past is immutable, then nothing we do will change anything. Or at the very least it will have to appear immutable with changes handled in a way that preserves the timeline. For example, taking you Kyle into the future and leaving us all thinking you died in the battle as an alternative to you actually dying in battle. Or perhaps the past can only change by transitioning to a parallel reality. Whether that means the new history overwrites the old history, or it creates an entire new universe or it just means you are never really changing history, just unknowingly in a parallel timeline requires more contemplation than we have time for right now. Oh, and there is always the possibility changing the past creates a temporal paradox that damages, possibly even wipes out, all of reality.
Kyle: Wow, that is somehow boring and scary at the same time.
Good thing I’m not writing this, eh? 😉