Gotta beta test these things.
Mighty Scary Mouse
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Gotta beta test these things.
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By Gianluca Burdon Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 2:36 am
Sane Supervillains who ethically test things first. A real oddity in comics
By Random Guy Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 4:04 am
An oddity even in the real world.
By DannyboyO1 Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 12:14 pm
“Throwing in a mouse to see what happens” is not ethical testing. This is the difference between responsible and ethical. 🙂
Responsible testing tho… yes. That I’d agree with.
By Otaku Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 2:39 pm
I am uncertain if the idea is the mouse was mystically mutated or if sending a mouse from our world into the vortex resulted in the equivalent creature being sent from the Nether Dimension… but I would still consider this an ethical test. The mouse is a beast, not a being, so it doesn’t have the same rights as a person. As a beast, I would balk at it being tortured for fun but that isn’t what is happening here. The test was to see if this seeming solution to a threat to the safety of Claw and his family – and probably most of humanity – was viable. The mouse is obviously not the same as the entity in question, but it was a decent starting point… and ending point if more testing just was not an option.
Of course, you are free to disagree with what I claim is or is not ethical. The good news is that Claw is a villain, so him being supervillainous doesn’t mean the above comic is really advocating the “abuse” of mice. 😉 Oh, the other good news is that it reminded me how I probably make similar posts about other issues too often. ^^’
By heregoesname Sat Sep 30th 2017 at 1:53 am
I assumed it was a computer mouse.
By Uros Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 9:12 am
I want one of those hell mouses. Can I get one?
By Random Guy Sat Sep 30th 2017 at 8:24 pm
You can find out. All you have to do is go to Hell.
By Mephistoteles Sun Oct 1st 2017 at 4:46 pm
Yes, but it’s a pregnant female, and o takesies-backsies.
By that_jedi_girl Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 2:33 pm
Or maybe you get an inverted product out. Put a mouse in, get hellspawn dragon. Put something nasty in, get something nice/innocuous out. Admittedly it would be a gamble, but they could try chucking the mini-dragon mouse in and see what comes out…..
By 7thsealord Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 3:26 pm
.. Or, the exchange is based on the closest equivalent in body mass, or via whatever the caster had for dinner, or on the time of day/year/ whatever.
Maybe the other end of the portal is some mega-powerful being’s garbage disposal, or entertainment system, or pet enclosure.
The exchange could even be completely random, and they simply lucked out(?) in getting something “sorta” mouse-like back.
In any case, I’d test the dang thing at least a couple of times before contemplating serious use. Making sweeping assumptions based on what the item did “ONCE” might be in the best traditions of Mad Science, but is otherwise A Very Bad Idea, IMO.
By that_jedi_girl Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 6:46 pm
And what happens if you chuck an inanimate object in? If you throw in a spoon do you get a glowing Spoon O’ Doom (capable of cutting a swath through matter)? Or a bowl of soup? Or a rock?
By Random Guy Sat Sep 30th 2017 at 10:54 pm
I wouldn’t suggest that you start throwing garbage into the demonic portal. The fines alone would be… hell.
By GasBandit Fri Sep 29th 2017 at 10:50 pm
Throw in Breathtaker, get GAS BANDIT out!
By David Sun Oct 1st 2017 at 7:09 am
The problem is someone else had same idea and sent a mouse through as well, and now the two mice will breed and multiply. At first they were considered cute “pets”, less harmful than most, easy to dominate, but after a while they became thousands, then millions and they began eating everything. With no food, there was no energy to breath fire, with all the eggs eaten there were no baby dragons, this new deadly invasive species had caused extinctions of all sorts in the netherworld.
By Siva Sun Oct 1st 2017 at 7:21 pm
I want a pet demon-mouse! (Mouse-demon? Demounse?) He shall hoard little shiny bits of tinfoil (and loose change) in his cheeks!