What kills him is he knows Diane is right on this one.
Unilateral Action
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By Gianluca Burdon Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 2:47 am
Stability also mean don’t mass produce one thing; Diversify your exoports
By Hinoron Fri Oct 12th 2018 at 2:30 pm
No kidding!
Frankly, there are a number of things more valuable than gold. Granted some of them might be a bit obscure for the average reader, but a short exploitation of what it is and when it’s used for is really all you need.
Gold = $49.27/gram
Rhodium = $750/gram
Now… admittedly the trickier part might be acquiring an entire bar of Rhodium to copy in the first place, now that the company treasury is devalued.
By WJS Wed Mar 12th 2025 at 8:50 pm
The tricky part is that the duplicator doesn’t work. Other than that it’s not a problem. One gram makes two, two grams makes four, four grams makes eight. After ten cycles your gram is a kilogram; after twenty, it’s a ton.
By WuseMajor Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 2:49 am
Why not just …rob a bank or take over a small dictatorship somewhere or something?
By Gianluca Burdon Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 3:32 am
It’ll cause trouble in the long term
By CK Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 4:45 am
The BOSS has spoken!
By Ladon Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 12:42 pm
Yeah, can’t he just like… subtly rob a bank? He’s got someone who phases through solid matter. Slap some invisibility on her and you have a no-damage, no-evidence bank robber.
By wright1 Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 3:36 pm
An option, but this is a world where banks know that people like that exist. So the “no evidence” thing might be trickier than you think. Also, Claw and his top people are kind of high profile in the super community right now.
It’s not impossible and I agree it’s the kind of thing Claw would consider, but he also has to consider the consequences.
By Ladon Sun Jul 30th 2017 at 2:14 am
Ok, but now he has two demons and Joey. Not certain but I feel like even if the supers catch on to him and decide to stomp him, he could just teach them that he is now the baddest kid on the playground.
By wright1 Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 3:46 pm
This is probably one of Meat’s least favorite things about his job, being his boss’ / best friend’s sounding board / wailing wall. He fulfills that role pretty well, though.
This scene is another great way of showing Claw’s depth of concern about his kids, as well as how that’s a bit of blind spot for him. Yeah, Kaley will probably be influenced to some degree by this new setting, but she’s also shown how much more she loves and trusts her father. I’d be more worried about HER influence on the new school…
By Sidekick Matt Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 6:17 pm
True. Killer robots built with virtually nothing-materials at her old school. Think of what she’ll have access to NOW! Muahahahahaha! This may be the best thing that Claw could do to his greatest enemy…
By Lord-Zae Fri Jul 28th 2017 at 6:04 pm
I mean he could always go goldfinger on gold reserves worldwide and increase the value of his own supply and add to his villain credibility.