Supervillainous: The Next Generation

So…you’ve got lots of questions. Okay, let’s tackle some.

Q: Is the comic ending?
A: No. It’s not ending.

Q: Is this change going to be permanent, or just some Marvel/DC-esque stunt?
A: Anna Claw is the new Crimson Claw. There’s going to be a big shake-up, but this is going to stick.

Q: Did you just write out part of the cast?
A: No. We might not see some of them quite as much, but nobody’s being written out.

Q: Why is Anna going to be The Crimson Claw? Why not give her a unique super-identity?
A: It’s her birthright. She’s already been the Claw in her own timeline. That identity is already a part of her.

Q: Seriously, you’re not just going to Retcon this in 6 months?
A: Nope.

Q: Seven months?
A: NO!

Q: What about…?
A: I think that’s enough for today. Just keep reading to see what comes next.

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